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Advent of Code. Year 2015. Day 15

Published: (3 min read)

--- Day 15: Science for Hungry People ---

In this puzzle, we have to find the right balance of ingredients, i.e. the maximum score among all permutations of ingredients.

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Part 1

In the first part, we need to find the maximum score among all permutations of ingredients. First, we need to parse our input to the Dictionary of ingredients. In this function we iterate through an input and populate our ingredient Dictionary.

private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> GetIngredients(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  var ingredients = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
  foreach (var line in lines)
    var splitted = line.Split(":");
    var name = splitted.First();
    var matches = Regex.Matches(splitted.Last(), @"-?\d");

    ingredients[name] = new Dictionary<string, int>
      { "capacity", int.Parse(matches[0].Value) },
      { "durability", int.Parse(matches[1].Value) },
      { "flavor", int.Parse(matches[2].Value) },
      { "texture", int.Parse(matches[3].Value) },
      { "calories", int.Parse(matches[4].Value) },

  return ingredients;

Next, we need to have a function to make cookies. Here we will create a cookie based on the ingredients we provide. Ignore the withCalories parameter, we will need it in the second part.

private static long MakeCookie(Dictionary<string, int> currentIngredients,
  IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> allIngredients, bool withCalories = false)
  var propertiesList = new List<string>

  long res = 1;
  foreach (var property in propertiesList)
    var intermediate = currentIngredients.Aggregate<KeyValuePair<string, int>, long>(0,
      (current, kv) => current + allIngredients[kv.Key][property] * kv.Value);

    intermediate = intermediate > 0 ? intermediate : 0;
    if (withCalories && property == "calories" && intermediate != 500)
      return 0;
    if (property == "calories")

    res *= intermediate;

  return res <= 0 ? 0 : res;

Finally, we can create a function (GetMaxCookieScore) that calculates the total score of all the permutations and returns the maximum value. And this will be our solution for the first part.

public object Part1(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  return GetMaxCookieScore(lines);

private static long GetMaxCookieScore(IEnumerable<string> lines, bool withCalories = false)
  var ingredients = GetIngredients(lines);
  var res = new List<long>();
  for (var sprinkles = 1; sprinkles < 100; sprinkles++)
    for (var butterscotch = 1; butterscotch < 100 - sprinkles; butterscotch++)
      for (var chocolate = 1; chocolate < 100 - sprinkles - butterscotch; chocolate++)
        var candy = 100 - sprinkles - butterscotch - chocolate;
        var currentIngredients = new Dictionary<string, int>
          { "Sprinkles", sprinkles },
          { "Butterscotch", butterscotch },
          { "Chocolate", chocolate },
          { "Candy", candy }
        res.Add(MakeCookie(currentIngredients, ingredients, withCalories));

  return res.Max();

Part 2

In the second part we need to do the same thing, but we also need to have the calory property equal to 500. For this we had an additional withCalories parameter in our GetMaxCookieScore and MakeCookie functions. So we just need to pass it to our function and that will give us a solution.

The withCalories parameter adds an extra check, and if it’s true, we just return 0.

if (withCalories && property == "calories" && intermediate != 500)
  return 0;

This will be the final solution for the second part.

public object Part2(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  return GetMaxCookieScore(lines, true);


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