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Advent of Code. Year 2015. Day 9

Published: (2 min read)

--- Day 9: All in a Single Night ---

In this puzzle, we need to help Santa deliver his presents to all locations without repeating them.

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Part 1

In the first part, we need to find the minimal distance between all of the locations. First of all, we need to get all permutations between all of the locations.

private static IEnumerable<List<string>> GetPer(string[] list, int k, int m)
  var res = new List<List<string>>();
  if (k == m)
    for (var i = k; i <= m; i++)
      Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]);
      var permutations = GetPer(list, k + 1, m);
      res = res.Union(permutations).ToList();
      Swap(ref list[k], ref list[i]);

  return res;

After that, we can get all cities, routes, get permutations and after that compute distance. Next, we need to get minimal distance and that will be the answer.

public string Part1(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  var enumerable = lines as string[] ?? lines.ToArray();
  var cities = GetCities(enumerable).ToArray();
  var routes = GetRoutes(enumerable);
  var permutations = GetPer(cities);
  return permutations.Select(r => Compute(r, routes)).Min().ToString();

private static int Compute(IEnumerable<string> list,
  IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> dictionary)
  var sum = 0;
  var enumerable = list as string[] ?? list.ToArray();
  for (var i = 0; i < enumerable.Length - 1; i++)
    sum += dictionary[enumerable[i]][enumerable[i + 1]];

  return sum;

Part 2

In the second part, we need to find the maximum distance between locations. Everything is the same except now we need to call .Max() instead of .Min() in the result.

public string Part2(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  var enumerable = lines as string[] ?? lines.ToArray();
  var cities = GetCities(enumerable).ToArray();
  var routes = GetRoutes(enumerable);
  var permutations = GetPer(cities);
  return permutations.Select(r => Compute(r, routes)).Max().ToString(); // 👈


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