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Advent of Code. Year 2015. Day 13

Published: (3 min read)

--- Day 13: Knights of the Dinner Table ---

In today’s puzzle, we need to find an optimal seating arrangement for a guests.

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Part 1

In the first part, we need to calculate the right seat arrangement where total happiness would be the greatest. First, we need to get all the guests from the input.

private static IEnumerable<string> GetGuests(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  const string pattern =
    @"(?<who>\w+) would (lose|gain) (\d+?) happiness units by sitting next to (?<with>\w+)";
  var res = new List<string>();
  foreach (var line in lines)
    var match = Regex.Match(line, pattern);

  return res.Distinct();

After that, we need to somehow represent units of happiness of all guests. We decided to use Dictionary where the key is a guest name and the value is another Dictionary where stored other guests with units of happiness, e.g:

  "Alice": {
    "Bob": 54,
    "David": 0
  "Bob": {
    "Alice": 83,
    "David": -25
  "David": {
    "Alice": -60,
    "Bob": -90

Here’s the code for this. In this function we also have withMe parameter, don’t mind it now, we are going use it in the second part:

private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> GetUnits(IEnumerable<string> lines, bool withMe = false)
  const string pattern =
    @"(?<who>\w+) would (?<what>lose|gain) (?<by>\d+?) happiness units by sitting next to (?<with>\w+)";
  var res = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
  foreach (var line in lines)
    var match = Regex.Match(line, pattern);
    var firstGuest = match.Groups["who"].Value;
    if (!res.ContainsKey(firstGuest))
      res[firstGuest] = new Dictionary<string, int>();

    var secondGuest = match.Groups["with"].Value;
    if (!res.ContainsKey(secondGuest))
      res[secondGuest] = new Dictionary<string, int>();

    res[firstGuest][secondGuest] =
      match.Groups["what"].Value == "lose"
        ? -int.Parse(match.Groups["by"].Value)
        : int.Parse(match.Groups["by"].Value);
    if (withMe)
      res[firstGuest]["Me"] = 0;

  return res;

Next thing, we need to create permutations of all guests. To do that we can use the method from the ninth day. After all that, we can easily compute the total happiness of all guest permutations and pick the highest value.

public string Part1(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  var enumerable = lines as string[] ?? lines.ToArray();
  var guests = GetGuests(enumerable).ToArray();
  var units = GetUnits(enumerable);
  var permutations = GetPer(guests);
  return permutations.Select(r => Compute(r, units)).Max().ToString();

private static int Compute(IEnumerable<string> list,
  IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> dictionary)
  var sum = 0;
  var enumerable = list as string[] ?? list.ToArray();
  for (var i = 0; i < enumerable.Length; i++)
    if (i == 0)
      sum += dictionary[enumerable[i]][enumerable.Last()];
      sum += dictionary[enumerable[i]][enumerable[i - 1]];

    if (i == enumerable.Length - 1)
      sum += dictionary[enumerable[i]][enumerable.First()];
      sum += dictionary[enumerable[i]][enumerable[i + 1]];

  return sum;

Part 2

In the second part, we need to include ourselves in the guest list. As we already saw in the method GetUnits I have an optional parameter, called withMe which allows me to insert Me as a guest. After that, we adding new guest called Me. The rest of the code is the same as the first part:

public string Part2(IEnumerable<string> lines)
  var enumerable = lines as string[] ?? lines.ToArray();
  var guests = GetGuests(enumerable).ToList();
  var units = GetUnits(enumerable, true);
  units["Me"] = new Dictionary<string, int>();
  foreach (var guest in guests)
    units["Me"][guest] = 0;
  var permutations = GetPer(guests.ToArray());
  return permutations.Select(r => Compute(r, units)).Max().ToString();


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